Aluminium Doors & Aluminium Windows in Perth

Our Aluminium Windows Range

Our team at Stirling Glass + Aluminium are your local aluminium specialists. Aluminium windows have been around for forty years gaining popularity over timber due to their reduced maintenance and material stability; they do not warp, shrink, or rot. Combine the design flexibility of Aluminium joinery and the expertise of Stirling Glass and Aluminium to create the ultimate solution to your individual requirements. 

Vantage Aluminium Joinery Suppliers

We supply the Vantage Aluminium Joinery range of aluminium windows, renowned for their durability coupled with high-end design. The hallmark of the Vantage design has been a constant drive to refine, improve and modernise its aluminium profiles to enhance good looks, performance, and manufacturability. We supply a vast range of aluminium windows including louvre windows, sliding windows, awning windows, casement windows and double-hung windows. To view our products, visit our showroom or the Vantage website.

Vantage Aluminium Joinery

Sliding Windows

  • Series 602 MAGNUM™ Sliding Window
  • Series 506 MAGNUM™ Sliding Window
  • Series 601 MAGNUM™ Sliding Window

Double Hung Windows

Our Aluminium Doors Range

Aluminium doors are popular due to their reduced maintenance and material stability. At Stirling Glass, we have ample experience manufacturing aluminium doors, ensuring you always get a quality product.

We supply the Vantage Aluminium Joinery range of high-quality aluminium doors, ensuring you always get the highest quality, durable aluminium doors.

Supplying a wide range and configuration style of aluminium doors, including sliding doors and hinged doors, we can assist with any door you require.

Contact Our Team to Discuss Your Requirements Today.

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